Violin Day 5

Violin Day 5:

Today we are finishing up our week of getting to know the violin with some fun contemporary pieces of music that I think your family will enjoy. I love how the violin is an instrument that crosses over so many cultures and styles of music. One of my goals with the work I do at Enrichment Studies is for your children to naturally understand that music, art, and poetry is for everyone. I have enjoyed the many opportunities I've had to showcase this this week, and in Sound Bites in general.

Black Violin is an awesome violin duo that my kids and I got to see in concert a few years ago. Their talent is inspiring and I love how they combine classical elements with hip hop and pop.

Today you will also get to know other contemporary talents that offer really exciting violin music.

Black Violin "Brandenburg"

Nuttin But Stringz- Thunder

Damien Escobar Hip Hop Violin Freestyle

David Garrett- Vida La Vida


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