Testimonials about Fine Art Pages:
"Good morning — just had a story to share. I have a 4 yr old and a 6 yr old and am homeschooling. I ordered a bunch of Fine Art pages about a year ago and did what you suggested — laminated them and hung a few in our two bathrooms each week. We usually talk about the art when I change the pictures, but nothing extensive. For such young ones, mainly I have been going for exposure.
Well, both girls became very excited when we saw two Matisse prints hanging in our local public library. (Fine Arts pages by Matisse happen to be hanging in the upstairs bathroom right now.) I reminded the girls that the artist was Matisse. And then my 4-year old (who is always interested in the titles of the paintings) said to me, “I know what that painting there is called,” and she paused. “Dessert: Harmony in Red,” she said correctly. The library security guard standing nearby nearly fell over, she was so surprised.
Anyhow, I just wanted to thank you for helping expose my family to Fine Arts — you have truly enriched our lives, and it’s making a difference in our learning."
“My family is enjoying the prints that I have posted around the house in strategic places — fridge, breakfast nook, and over bathroom sink. Thank goodness for plastic sleeves! One of my son’s public school friends commented recently that he thought it was really cool that we have rotating art pictures posted around the house. :)”
“I have certainly appreciated all the art resources from you over the years. My bathroom walls have become a source of peace and reflection!”
"Thank you so much for this – my son loves these fine art pages, and we’re both learning so much from them. You are a blessing!!!"