All Courses Available and Coupon Code

Welcome to Music in Our Homeschool!

Feel free to email Gena to get suggestions if you don't know what to start with! (

Use coupon code 2022MUSIC to get 15% off (not for memberships)
Here are the courses, printable packs, and memberships currently available:
Upper Level (7th-12 grades):
All Ages:
Printable Packs:
Membership Sites:
(don't use coupon codes)

The FREE 5-Day

"I Can Do Music in My Homeschool" Challenge

is now available

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Tapestry of Grace:

Do you use the Tapestry of Grace curriculum? Here are the 3 music appreciation/history courses written to be used with Years 2, 3, and 4. They are at a high school (rhetoric) level, but can easily be simplified for middle school or elementary (dialectic, upper grammar, or lower grammar). I have personally taught the courses at a Tapestry of Grace in-person co-op and to my own kids at home!

Year 2: Music Appreciation: Middle Ages Thru Classical Era for High School online course
Year 3: Music Appreciation of the Romantic Era for High School online course

Year 4: 20th Century Music Appreciation for High School online course

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